Monday, March 28, 2011

He's Found Again..

Dear Family and Friends, Once again my industrious mother has succeeded in taking all the fun out of the guessing game, due to complications with my bike. So the secret is out, I'm now in the Roswell ward, and I think that this ward is definitely one of my favorites which probably means I wont be here too long..... This week was really strange, just about everyone we met was super nice, but not too interested in learning the gospel. We've now had to reschedule all of our baptisms, so nothings gonna happen there for a while. I had to go to Leadership training again this week, I really don't like 9 hour meetings, but this one was unique, so we got to break up the routine a little. With the Temple Open House starting next week, and General Conference and all the changes in missionary work going on, it's a crazy time to be a missionary, but it's also a good time. We really have to rely on the Spirit, and it's great. This week we had a really cool experience, where we just left the apartment, and were biking out to where we were going for the day, and the wind was blowing like crazy, so we were going really slow. Less than 100 yards from our turn off, we stopped to check the map because I wasn't sure where we were going, and this van pulls off behind us. A member steps out, and hands us a referral for a less active member that wants to take the lessons, and come back to church. It was so crazy to think that if the wind hadn't been blowing, we already would've been there, and she would've missed us. Then of course the wind died down the rest of the day, and everything went very cheerfully from then on. It definitely helped me see how the Lord's hand is in all things, and he really does work in mysterious ways, but it's all for the benefit of his children. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. (I for one am glad he chose a shop called Roswell Bike Shop, and that I have access to his bank records)

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