Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Late News is Better Than No News...


Don't freak out, I didn't have time to email on Monday, my companion made an appointment without telling me, and we had to cut our email time short. I have had a bad week, a lot of crazy stuff happened. We got to see the Rededication of the Temple which was cool, and the cultural celebration, but there were a lot of strange things. I wrecked on my bike (bikes fault), and tore up my right hand. My bike got sabotaged while we were at dinner (someone cut the valve stem, bent the rim beyond repair, and ruined my chain), and then we had a fiasco trying to get it fixed. Some guy gave us a ride, and tried to tell us that we were being deceived while attacking our beliefs. And then in District Meeting, we almost started arguing over something. But, I'm doing alright. My hand hurts though. But, on the bright side, I didn't break anything, and I'm still going. We're really trying to change the way we do missionary work, so I'm imagining things are going to be pretty slow for a while, but I think that in the long run it will be a big help. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't worry too much.... Talk to you Sunday! Love ya!


Elder Hughes
(send some mail...spread a little cheer)

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